As a design-build remodeling firm with five LEED APs on staff, we are firm believers in finding ways to incorporate energy conservation into our clients’ projects. So why focus on the reduction of energy use? It’s a complicated subject, but it can be boiled down to reducing a home’s energy costs and providing a more comfortable space. There are three keys areas of focus: 1) address the simple things first, 2) consider a product’s efficiency before its purchase, 3) have a thorough review of the more complex systems that are available. At Classic, these items are all addressed during the design and planning phase of your project.

Let’s start with the simple things first.

  • Turn off the lights when not in use. Advanced lighting systems can assist with this by being programmed to turn on and off at certain times. Sensors can also be installed to turn on and off when someone enters or leaves a room.
  • Switch to more efficient bulbs. Efficient bulbs can range from compact fluorescent to more high-performance LED fixtures.
  • Seal any gaps where unconditioned exterior air intrudes into the home or conditioned interior air escapes. This situation puts more demand on a home’s heating and air system, which results in more use of electricity.
  • Ensure your home is properly insulated. While addressing how air tight the home is, it is also important to consider insulation. Review the existing insulation to see if there is enough and if any is missing. You may also consider the installation of sprayed foam insulation in the attic – which can greatly reduces the temperature differential between the conditioned space below and the attic above. The application is very technical so it is important to make sure that a professional is hired to perform this work.

Before making major purchases for any remodeling project, it is important to consider the energy efficiency of the product. Carefully review the specifications of the products to assess how much they can save in electricity costs over the life in the product.

  • Windows and Doors. Your design-build professional can assist you with understanding the window-door ratings for energy efficiency and solar heat gain.
  • Appliances. Always look for an Energy Star rating and review the electricity savings tab on the appliance. Most other products these days also have energy ratings in some form – so always review the packaging carefully.

When considering the more advanced systems of a home it is important to consider how they impact a home’s energy efficiency.

  • Water Heaters. If an old electric water heater needs replacing, consider installation of a tankless gas-fired water heater. Unlike tr aditional tank heaters, tankless heaters do not store water at a constant temperature. Instead they heat on demand as needed. This greatly reduces electricity use since they are gas-fired. If you do opt for an electric tank heater, try to locate it with the building’s conditioned space in order to lessen the demands on the unit to counter the unconditioned air surrounding it.
  • HVAC Systems. The heating and air conditioning system of a home is also one of the biggest consumers of electricity. Explore the many options, but it is best to select higher quality units with a high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratings) rating, essentially a measure of its efficiency. It is also critical that all ductwork is tightly sealed so that no conditioned air is wasted. There are more advanced system for building conditioning, such as geothermal systems which utilize the constant temperature in the earth, but generally these systems are cost prohibitive unless one incorporates them in a new home mortgage.
  • Solar. To take it to another level, homeowners might also consider solar systems for their home. There are two types of solar systems to consider: solar thermal and solar photovoltaic (PV). Solar thermal can be used to help heat a home or its water supply. Solar PV is used to generate electricity for use in the home. While these systems can be expensive, it is important to consider how much electricity they can save homeowners – and potentially event create excess electricity. Precise figures and site data should be reviewed to make sure either is a feasible option.

There are countless options to consider when planning your remodeling project, so we always try to find a balance between efficiency and budget. We incorporate many subtle things into our building practices that improve efficiency, so we try to make the client knowledgeable of those as well. Through a shared goal of reducing electricity use and providing a comfortable home, we feel that we can satisfy our clients while also making a long-term improvement for the environment.

In the last several years, our company has witnessed a great deal of change in how smart devices can improve our clients’ enjoyment of the design-build experience. At Classic, we have used two devices in particular to help us transform the way we communicate with our customers: the iPhone and the iPad.

The iPhone:

It’s now hard to think about how we got along without such a marvelous device. It has combined what were once separate communication devices – a phone/texting device and an email platform (formerly laptops) – allowing us to respond more quickly to questions or concerns our customers might have about their project. This centralization of communication creates much less confusion.

Apple has also bundled a camera into the device, which provides us with the ability to send pictures from the field to customers if a question arises. No longer is it necessary to schedule a meeting to review minor details, since this may all be completed now through the device.

Finally, with the iPhone we have complete and live access to our contact database. If we have a salesperson in the field who needs an alternate phone number for a client, they have the information with them. It also simplifies mapping and directions for our salespeople and project manager, which is a crucial feature when projects span the greater metropolitan area. The iPhone also allows access to the ever-expanding world of industry apps. A variety of apps have already been created to aid with everything from estimating, calculating material quantities, and matching paint colors. New apps are constantly being developed and will only continue to offer new ways for us to improve how we do business.

The iPad:

Like the iPhone, the iPad has allowed us to centralize our written communication systems – but with a much better format because of a larger screen. It is now very simple to respond to even a lengthy email in a short amount of time.

One of the nicest features of the iPad is the ability to present plan drawings and 3D renderings in full color, either in a customer’s home or here in our showroom using Apple TV with a large monitor. The ability to present in this fashion greatly enhances the customer’s ability to review their project in a much more interactive way that makes more sense than on paper.

The iPad also allows us to have complete and live access to all of our current project data using Dropbox – an innovative web based tool which links the devices to the data on our company server. So if a question arises onsite, we have access to the right information. No need to lug around a binder full of paper!

But, one of the most useful features of the iPad is the ability to simplify the product selection process. This has always been one of the most challenging areas of our business – for our customers and for us – because of the sheer number of products available. In years past we would visit product showrooms, which was time consuming and overwhelming for the client. The iPad has provided a way for us to create product catalogues and then make thoughtful recommendations based on our customer’s taste and our experience. We then can email them a summary of their selections and have one complete list – including photos. We are even working on developing a web based app which we can further customize, making the process even simpler.

Apple’s iPhone and iPad have had a tremendous impact on how we conduct business with and for our clients. Each has streamlined processes so that the remodeling experience is much more interactive and enjoyable. We look forward to pursuing new technologies which expand the capabilities of these devices and enhance our customer’s experience.

Classic Remodeling recently completed a major renovation project in the downtown area. We were excited about this project for a couple of reasons – in part because of the nature of the work itself, but also because the result of our work would benefit a charitable organization in the community. Our client on this project, the MUSC Foundation, is an organization that supports education, research, patient care and other programs at MUSC.

The Foundation owns a rental property on Ashley Avenue and uses the rental income as one means of support for its programs. The goal for this renovation was to find a way to make the property more attractive to potential renters, thereby maximizing the benefit to the Foundation. That’s where we came in.

Every project has its share of challenges, and projects in the downtown area tend to come with their own unique issues. At Classic, we look at those challenges as opportunities to do what we do best – complete superior renovations on time and on budget.

This property is located within the historic district and falls under the jurisdiction of the Charleston Board of Architectural Review (BAR). The BAR requires that any renovations to properties within this district must be appropriate and maintain the historic character of the building. So, all changes to the home had to be approved by the BAR before work could commence. Navigating the BAR’s approval process can be a daunting task, but through experience we’ve learned the right questions to ask to make the process as smooth as possible. We believe as your renovation expert, it’s our job to manage that process for you.

Our next challenge – transforming this home into a renter’s dream.

Due to the home’s age, we had to be sensitive to the potential presence of lead-based paint. This is a common issue with older homes and should not be taken lightly. Our EPA-certified staff ensured that the project was handled with the utmost care.

The home’s exterior got a facelift, which included repairing siding and adding new windows, a fresh coat of paint, and a new roof.

An addition that was added at some point to the back of the home that housed the bedrooms and kitchens was not structurally sound and had to be completely rebuilt.

Inside, each apartment got a total makeover. The original floor plan included a sitting room, a living room, bedroom, bath, and kitchen. We reconfigured the space to make it more desirable, converting the extra sitting room in each apartment to a much more useful second bedroom.

The existing hardwood floors were refinished and we laid new tile floors in the baths and kitchens. Both apartments were outfitted with new kitchen appliances and bathroom fixtures.

In spite of the challenges that accompanied this project, the results speak for themselves. We maintained the property’s historic character and transformed the space (without adding square footage) making it more functional and attractive to potential renters. Finally, the project was completed in record time – just under 2 months – a remarkable feat considering the challenges!

You’ve decided to remodel, hired Classic, made all your design decisions and approved the final plans for your project – now what?

Now Cava Compton takes over. Cava is Classic’s Project Manager, responsible for making sure that what has been designed is delivered as promised.

When a project enters the construction phase, Cava, the project craftsman and I do a walk-through and go over all aspects of the project in the space. Cava then puts together a project schedule and makes sure the budget is followed. Not a small task, but she’s up to the challenge, “I love that each day is different. I like getting out in the field and the quick pace means it’s never boring!”

On a “typical” day you’ll find her checking on the status of each job, meeting with project craftsmen, resolving issues, screening and coordinating subcontractors, scheduling inspections, shopping for and ordering materials and fielding questions from clients. As you might imagine, she keeps pretty busy and is seldom seen without her cell phone.

Says Cava, “I try to be as accessible as possible to my clients. You have to remember that you are working on a home and not a job site. How we treat our clients is one of Classic’s greatest strengths, and the best work comes out of these relationships.”

Cava is also responsible for quality control, and our guys in the field work with her to make sure that everything we do is up to Classic’s standards. She and the project craftsman assigned to the job work as a team to keep the project on track. “Because we can be in a client’s home for a while, depending on the project, we really form a bond – the client, project craftsman and I – and a good relationship makes for a smooth project,” she says.

She stays with the job until it is ready for the client to move in. “When we’ve finished with the walk-throughs and punch list and it’s time to hand over the space to the client it’s a great day, but always a little sad. It’s nice that at Classic most of our clients come back with future projects, so we’re able to work with them again.”

And judging by the feedback we get from our clients they feel the same way. Says a client from Mt. Pleasant, “Cava is a really great project manager. She was always available to listen and to help with any questions. I really felt like she was taking care of us and she helped to make our first remodeling experience an exceptionally great one.”

The Turner family came to us with a beautiful house that needed to function better.

The home had an existing addition off the back that housed a master bedroom, tiny master bath, and a strangely long and narrow closet. The space was not optimized and the appearance from the backyard was lacking.

The Turners wanted a new addition that would accommodate a larger bedroom, bath and closet. In addition to this interior work, they wanted to improve the appearance of the back of the property with a beautiful outdoor space that they could use for family time and entertaining.

We worked with the couple to design and build a master addition and outdoor area that met their needs. The project, of course, had its challenges. We took care to ensure that the new addition melded with the old. We were able to tie in everything nicely with the roof lines so as not to detract from the integrity of the home’s original structure. We were also able to deliver more square footage for the master bath while keeping the look from the back of the house symmetrical.

The result is a home that better reflects the Turners and how they live. The master bedroom is larger and includes a sitting area. The luxurious master bath is built for two, and there is plenty of closet space. Outside, where there was once a tired deck, there is now a large living area (truly an outdoor living room), an outdoor kitchen perfect for entertaining and a beautiful stone patio complete with built-in stone planters.

It’s what every addition should be – increased square footage that enhances the beauty and functionality of a home while looking like it has been there all along.

View from the Backyard – Before and After; Outdoor Spaces

Rotten siding, a leaky shower, flaking exterior trim – not exactly what springs to mind when you think of Classic and “Dreams You Can Live In.” These small projects, however, are part of a home’s upkeep and an area where Classic excels. And while we call these jobs “small” we do not mean they are unimportant. We see these projects as opportunities to improve the appearance and functionality of your home – so important, in fact, that we have created a Small Projects and Repairs Team which specializes in these types of jobs.

Managing the Small Projects and Repairs Team is Jason Wagner, who has been with Classic for 11 years and in the construction business for over 20. Jason began working construction in high school, helping his uncles with framing and masonry during the summers. Jason continued in the field after college, working in several disciplines and starting his own construction business in Pittsburgh before deciding to move south.

Jason started at Classic as an in-house painter and dry wall installer, quickly moved on to running his own kitchen and bath jobs, and eventually found himself running large-scale remodels and additions.

Now he is bringing all of this experience to Classic’s Small Projects and Repairs Team. Covering everything from siding and painting to replacing fixtures in a bath, the Team is dedicated to helping home owners with upkeep and sprucing up.

The Process

One of the goals of the Small Projects and Repairs Team is to make the whole process as easy as possible for the homeowner, from the initial meeting through completion. Jason explains the process:

When a prospective client calls we schedule an initial meeting so I can come out to the house and see the job. I bring everything I might need to this meeting and am prepared to do a thorough investigation. Some guys will come to the house, take a quick look and provide an estimate based on limited information only to have to come back, survey further and amend the estimate once the original bid has been accepted.

I’ll go up on the roof, into the crawl space, whatever is necessary to give the homeowner a complete estimate with minimal interruption. Many times I can provide the estimate right then or email the homeowner shortly after to expedite the process. I’ll follow up with a phone call to walk the client through the pricing to make sure they understand everything and to answer any questions.

Then we’ll set a schedule and get to work. When people are doing these types of jobs they want to get it started and get it done! We strive to get the job done quickly and to minimize our impact on our clients’ lives. For example, we order all of the materials needed for the job before getting started – no one wants their house torn up with no progress being made, waiting for deliveries.

We keep everything on schedule and on budget and we don’t leave a job site until our client is happy. No job is ‘done’ until it is completed to our client’s satisfaction and to Classic’s own high standards.

The Difference

We realize that many of these jobs are expenses that people don’t see coming and are issues that aren’t much fun to deal with. Keeping that in mind, we provide an experience that helps put clients at ease. Says Jason,


We do not simply put a band-aid on the problem, quoting the lowest possible price just to get the job. With this approach you get a quick, cheap fix, but you’re stuck dealing with the same issue over and over. We find the cause, and when we fix a problem you don’t have to worry about it again. Anybody can throw on a band-aid. What Classic gives you is a thorough understanding of what is happening and a complete solution.


It is extremely important to us that the client knows what is happening with their project every step of the way. Each job has a dedicated project manager who remains on site for the duration of the job and I stay involved throughout the process. We have learned that different clients like to communicate in different ways, so we make updates available in person, over the phone and in writing.


Classic’s reputation for quality and service extends to small projects and repairs, as does our warranty – 8 years on structural work, 5 years on systems and 2 years on finishes. These are practically unheard of in our industry (many businesses provide 1 year on each), but we’re proud to stand by our work. There’s a saying in the shop, ‘There are industry standards and then there are Classic standards’ – we set the bar pretty high around here.

While these types of jobs might be more necessity than the stuff dreams are made of, with Jason and our Small Projects and Repairs Team at least you can rest easy knowing they have been done well.

One of the most enjoyable and rewarding parts of our job as remodelers is developing unique solutions for our clients. We routinely find ourselves carving out more room for storage, reconfiguring walls to improve flow, and reworking spaces to make them more reflective of how our clients live.

While we enjoy all of our projects, every now and then one comes along that really lets us flex our creative muscles. That’s what happened with this spectacular early 1800s Greek Revival mansion in the historic area of downtown Charleston.

We were working on a large project that included rebuilding these beautiful porches, and our client asked us about a solution for her children’s bedroom. The five-year-old twins, a boy and a girl, needed to share an existing space to be close to the master bedroom.

The client’s initial plan was to partition the room, but when we looked at the space we realized there were many challenges involved with going down that road. As is typical in Charleston’s grand historic homes, the ceilings in the room were 11 feet high. To partition the room would have required us to remove a doorway opening 9 feet four inches tall (with transom) along with the intricate moldings around it. We would also have had to interfere with the room’s plaster crown moldings and very large wood baseboards. Besides the possibility of these details never being replaced, the final floor plan would have been very awkward, requiring a person to walk through another bedroom to gain access to the bathroom.

Realizing this was not the best plan, I told my client she was a steward of the property, and as such she should not do the project she had requested. I thought I had offended her so badly that I would never hear back from her. But after thinking about it over the weekend, she called me back to find another solution.

And we did – a fairy tale solution. Working within the existing room, we carved out spaces for each twin to call their own – a “princess” area for the girl, and a separate “knight’s castle” area for the boy.

Our carpenters built and installed the project in components, like furniture, and finished them out with decorative elements chosen by the client’s interior designer. Everything was installed in such a way that when the twins are old enough to move to bedrooms on the third floor it can easily be dismantled, and the room restored to its original full size, with no more work than some touch-up paint.

Needless to say, the client (and especially the kids) were thrilled with the outcome, as were we. And, of course, everyone lived happily ever after.

Ask Russ Scheider about kitchen remodels and he will tell you that he has a process honed from years of experience. “I tell clients, ‘My job is to help you get from where you are to where you want to be, even if you don’t know where that is.’”

And Russ does get his clients there. In the kitchen and bath design field for over 20 years, Russ learned the business from the ground up, beginning in high school and college working as an apprentice cabinet maker and production manager before moving into sales and design.

He worked for the prominent kitchen design firms Callier & Thompson Kitchens and Baths in St. Louis, MO and Sea Island Kitchens in Hilton Head. His work has been seen in several publications including Coastal Living, Better Homes & Gardens, Southern Accents and Cooking with Paula Deen. He has also had the pleasure of working with notable clients such as Gregg Allman, Paula Deen and Richard L. Armitage.

One thing that really impressed me about Russ when we first met was his dedication to his clients. You can hear his passion when he talks about how he helps clients bring their dream kitchens to life.

Getting a great result hinges on asking all the right questions. Most clients come to me without a clear picture of what they want from their kitchen, so by sitting down and talking with them I can form a mental image of what they are after.

I begin by asking them how long they have been in the house and who will be using the room. It’s very important to get a feel for their lifestyle and design sense before narrowing the conversation down to colors and finishes – that’s part of the process.

Russ also helps clients focus on and stay within their budgets. Here is how he helps navigate the budgeting process.

We also talk about budget during our initial meeting. Nobody really likes talking about the budget, but I make it a comfortable conversation. A budget is simply a number, and it is our challenge as designers to achieve the best possible outcome for what the client is prepared to spend.

Some clients have an established budget, but more often than not the client is looking to me to give them a feel for what a remodel might cost. I always share as much information with clients as possible to help them arrive at a budget. One helpful tool is the latest Cost vs. Value Report prepared by Remodeling Magazine which shows the average price of various remodels and the value that remodel adds to a home on resale.

When discussing the budget we also talk about some initial selections. Maybe a client has to have granite or they are dreaming of a Viking range – by knowing this upfront I can design the rest of the kitchen to accommodate the costs of any “must-haves.”

Once Russ has the budget nailed down, he gets to concentrate on the creative aspect of the process.

With a budget established, the client and I go through all the design scenarios (usually standing in the space, with me walking things out and waving my arms!), for example, “We could place an island in this space…we could knock out this wall…the double ovens would fit nicely here.” We discuss the myriad options for how the space could function and how it will look.

Armed with all of this input I begin the design process. I give my clients two designs with three-dimensional renderings of each. I prefer giving them thoughtfully edited choices to telling them what they should do. Usually they take pieces from both plans and with a few tweaks we arrive at the final plan.

To deliver a project on time and on budget is no easy feat, and Russ understands that diligence and planning on the front end means happy clients at the end of the project.

Estimation and Timeline
Now it’s time to do the in-depth estimate which includes pricing for all fixtures and finishes. I make selections based on function, style and budget, and I like to present my clients with alternatives for each selection. For example, a client may think they have to have the marble counter tops – and maybe they do – but it’s my job to know about all the latest materials and present any alternatives that fit the client’s style and budget.

At this point I also set the timeline for the project, and the question I always hear is, “When can you start?” What I ask my clients in response is, “When do you want the job to finish?” That’s really the better question because it allows me to work backwards from the completion date, knowing from experience how long each phase of the project will take and how the project should flow. Anyone can come in and tear up your kitchen right away, but that doesn’t make much sense if you’re going to have to live with that mess while we wait on the cabinets.

Then the physical work begins. To his credit, Russ goes above and beyond what is “typical” – he stays in close contact with his clients throughout the construction process.

With all selections decided, I’m ready to share the project with our Project Manager who will take charge of the site through the construction phase. But while most designers would bow out of the process at this point, I like to stay involved. For one thing, I measure and order all the cabinetry myself. Growing up around cabinetry, I know how important this part of the process is. If the cabinets come in and are off, you’re looking at extensive costs and delays, so I like to have control over that process.

Throughout the project I call the client and visit the site at least once a week. I want to make sure that everything I have promised is happening, and that my client is satisfied. At the end of the project, there’s nothing better than seeing a client in their new space, thrilled with the result.

And his clients have been thrilled – here’s what several had to say about working with Russ:

“From the beginning of the process, Russ was very kind and patient with us. We loved the enhancements he brought to the design. From beginning to end, he was eager to help us and his laidback nature blended well with ours. He respected our budget concerns and worked with us to get us where we were comfortable. The best accolade is that our job came in exactly on budget and one week ahead of schedule.” – Dana and Brett Muhlke

“Russ was very helpful in making recommendations and asking the right questions to be sure we got what we wanted.” – Kelly and David Winking

“Russell is very professional and creative. He offered great suggestions, and guided us when we couldn’t make up our minds.” – Sharon and Phil King

We are thrilled to have Russ on our Classic team. His experience and ability to deliver not only a beautifully designed space, but also an extremely accurate timeline and budget brings enormous value to Classic and our clients.

Ashley and Scott Falls’ Charleston single was nearly 100 years old when they bought it in 2004 as a rental property. Over the next few years they began to notice that the home needed exterior work, and realized this was keeping them from attracting the caliber of tenants they wanted. During a walk-through inspection when a tenant was moving out, Ashley decided that a change was in order.

The Falls contacted several contractors, but none really clicked. Says Ashley, “I felt like they didn’t take us seriously since we are a young couple. We were thrilled when Bob came over to the house and was such a professional.”

Classic has done this type of work many times, so we know how important it is that the client understands what is involved. Historical structures can have lots of surprises for you due to their age, work other people have done to them, etc. You need to go in with your eyes wide open and the Falls appreciated this, saying, “We were so impressed by the thoroughness with which Bob looked at everything – he got up on the roof, he went under the house to check the foundation, he took photos and asked lots of questions. When we met with him to get the estimate he walked us through the whole thing explaining the work, outlining the process, and making sure we were comfortable with everything. The estimate was complete and accurate due to all of his work on the front end.”

As anticipated, the work was extensive. The entire front of the house was removed and rebuilt. Traditionally, Charleston singles have four windows on the front – two up and two down – but along the way some misguided soul had put in a bay window. When we removed the siding we found the original window sills and happily put things back the way they should be.

The double porches had to be rebuilt. “They were practically falling off,” says Ashley, “but Classic took care to save the columns which were original to the house. We were thrilled that they were able to be reused.”

While working on the porches we discovered that the roof needed to be reframed on that side of the house and some of the tin roof needed replacing. “This was one of the few surprises during the project,” adds Ashley, “and we were worried that it might blow our budget, but Bob was great and came up with a solution to tweak the budget so that we could make the repairs without going over.”

We also painted the exterior, installed custom wood shutters and added a beautiful tabby driveway with brick columns and a custom iron gate.

“Our dream,” says Ashley, “was to take a crumbling, dilapidated old house and turn it into a beautifully renovated and historically accurate home. We wanted to return it to the way it was when it was built, but with all the modern luxuries. Classic made that dream come true.”

We’re happy to report that when the For Rent sign went up Ashley and Scott got lots of calls – many from ecstatic neighbors thanking them for renovating and turning an eyesore into a neighborhood showpiece. Prospective renters called as well, none questioning the asking price. The Falls are welcoming their new tenants as I write this, and I hope they enjoy living in the house as much as we enjoyed working on it.

Classic is undertaking a new project which marries two stories we love to tell. One of a client who was so thrilled with the job we did for her that she has now hired us for another job – repeat business means the world to us. The other about Classic’s commitment to our community and our profession. It’s not often that these two come together in one project.

The Levis hired Classic to do a kitchen remodel a few years ago. We’re proud to say that they were so pleased with the results that they contacted us about building on their family property on Wadmalaw Island. It’s a beautiful site that will eventually accommodate a cottage, main house and garage. We are starting with the cottage house – a quaint 900-square-foot 1 bedroom 1 bath with a nice front porch that is begging for some rocking chairs. The perfect spot to relax in the peace and quiet of this picturesque property.

Helping us with the Levi cottage will be students from St. Johns High School, not far down the road from Classic. The students will work directly with Classic employees, learning construction techniques and the ins and outs of the construction process. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to mentor local kids, and when the work is done they will have some hands-on experience for future endeavors.

We will be posting progress updates on Classic’s facebook page, so be sure to check in, become a fan of Classic and watch the cottage come to life.